HSE Policy

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HSE Policy

At ASRA ANTQAL TRADING COMPANY, we prioritize the health, safety, and environment (HSE) of our employees, clients, and stakeholders. Our HSE policy is based on a proactive approach to minimize risks, prevent accidents, and protect the environment.

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment by implementing stringent safety protocols, conducting regular trainings, and promoting a culture of HSE awareness. We strive to comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards, and continuously improve our HSE performance.

Environmental sustainability is integral to our operations. We aim to minimize waste generation, promote energy efficiency, and responsibly manage resources. We actively seek innovative solutions to reduce our environmental footprint and contribute to a greener future.

Through effective communication, engagement, and regular audits, we ensure the implementation and effectiveness of our HSE policy. At ASRA ANTQAL, we are dedicated to fostering a culture of HSE excellence and continuously striving for the well-being of our people and the protection of the environment.